Student Well-being
Student welfare
The school has an extensive team of people who are able to assist
with the physical and emotional needs of the students.
This support is known as pastoral care for students. The pastoral care team is made up of a whanau care team of form teachers, deans and senior leads supported by a team of nurses, guidance counsellors, a
youth support workers and a careers advisor.
The school also has access to the expertise of a number of outside agencies when needed.
Form teacher
Students see their form teacher once a day during form time.
This time is used for an attendance check, administrative purposes, academic mentoring and pastoral.
If form teachers are unable to answer student queries, then an appropriate referral is made.
Please click here for any information about Deans.
Guidance counsellors
Pleae click here for any information about counsellors.
Pleae click here for any information about our youth support workers.
Health centre
Please click here for any information about nurses.
Careers advisor
Please click here for any information about careers advisor.