Staff and students are organised into four houses – Kauri, Kowhai, Pohutukawa and Rimu, and each house has a Deputy Principal and two Deans who look after them.
The deans are responsible for the pastoral care and curriculum management of the students in their house.
Deans meet with their form teachers regularly. They work with the student leaders to run house assemblies.
Deans can be contacted directly by clicking on respective dean's photo above.
Form teachers play a vital role in the life of their students and work closely with their deans to ensure things are going as well as possible. Referrals are made to the dean when a student is away for three days in a row, or when the form teacher feels that attendance and punctuality is becoming a more serious problem.
General matters of pastoral care/curriculum are referred by other staff, to the deans for their consideration and action.

Kōwhai House

Pohutukawa House

Kauri House

Rimu House

Rimu House

Pou Arataki Māori